My first 70s memories were of me as a pre-teen accompanying my mom to the Sears Lemon Frog Shop to buy clothes. Summers were the best time; hanging out at the community pool, slathering on some QT (tans in 3 to 5 hours -- with or without sun!). Coming home to the air conditioning and reading the latest issue of 16 Magazine or Tiger Beat (Darby Hinton . . . yummm). Was there a magazine that was just called Teen? I had to keep up with cool fashions. When I got my first pair of Dr. Scholl's exercise sandals . . . wow, I felt so grown up! I remember learning to be very, very careful with the curling iron. I had to have my Farrah wings just right. Hair was kept clean with Body on Tap shampoo (it has beer! tee hee!). My first scent was Love's Baby Soft. Oh, and my puka shell necklace -- was I stylin'. Bonne Bell lipsmackers gave me kissable lips, and Stridex pads (give your face something to smile about) kept zits at bay. It seemed like such a simpler time back then .
Dawn <>
Raleigh, NC USA - Sunday, May 15, 2005 at 13:11:16 (EDT)

by hearing all this awsome things make me want to go back in time and see how fun is it. i am 16. and i like to find out more about the 70's. it sounds so cool.
norma <>
el monte, ca USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 10:28:25 (EDT)

I would like to say that the 70'a was the best year ever
Betty <>
Covington, Va USA - Monday, April 25, 2005 at 08:15:23 (EDT)

Hi Robin- What a site....thanks. I have so many mememories of the 70's. Well I remember the REAL Blue skies and the dirt roads, walking downtown barefooted on hot summer days. And kids playin freely on backroads. And waiting in line for the midnite movies, there was double featured movies. Bruce Lee was the best and BeeGees were playing in someones boomboxes downtown late in the evening. Platform shoes and leather watches and peacock earrings. Elephant pants. Oh the hiphuggers were cool. Umm...jawbreakers and chocolate ice creamcones. The armory dances everyweek end. Oh yeah the midnite special show. And the bars stayed open til 5am.,19 was the legal age to go into the bars, and coming out of the bars dancing to everyone was kungfu fighting, and if it wasn't Kung Fu fighting it was DiscoDuck. Great sitcoms...everything was NEW..not like now, coz..everything now is a remake. OH yeah the 45 records.only 50cents. Oh..there is so many memories that I could go on. Everyone was happy and free. I want to say more. Anyhow...70's were the best memories and I think I lived it well. thanks Robin for letting me remember and while I am writting this I have a few friends that are reminicing too bout those days.
june <>
Juneau, Ak USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 04:00:06 (EDT)

In the early or mid 70s I was 11. I loved roller skating and barbie dolls. I had the skates with the big pom poms tied on them. My brothers use to pick in the trash cans and bring me home trashed barbies and tons of Tiger Beat magazines. I had Donny Osmond, and Bobby Sherman posters on my wall. I loved the jackson 5 too. We listened to Songs like Bad, bad Leroy Brown, Jim Crochi songs.Billy Jack was a great hit movie back then. I remember in 3 grade fighting with other girls about who wears a training bra. Later on I remember shell type necklaces, roche clip earrings and mood rings. I watched Charlies Angel and I believe Farrah Fawcett also made lip gloss more popular back then. I got my first Farrah haircut but didn t know I needed a curling iron to keep up with it and so it was always limp. I absolutely LOVED a shampoo called Gee Your Hairs Smells Terrific back then. It was very popular. I went to the drive in theatre a lot back then and I saw for the first time the Excorcist. I loved watching cheerleading movies. I saw a movie that first came out too called Lipstick, later I saw Jaws. I m sorry for my horrible spelling.
Sheree Mastern <>
Tyler, Texas USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 at 03:15:07 (EDT)

I was born in Jan 1970 so feel a bit of a fraud about claiming the '70's as my own, but all the late 70's I can remember as clear as anything, and that's the time when I fell in love with music. 'Wishing on a Star' by Rose Royce and 'Street Life' by The Crusaders and Randy Crawford can still have me in tears - all that childhood innocence and magic comes into my cynical and world-weary thirtysomething frame. The time from '77 to '81 was my golden age and I wouldn't swop it for anything. I loathe 2000's culture - nasty, self-obsessed and mercenary. Was it just because the 70's were my childhood, or were they ACTUALLY magical?
John S <>
Cheltenham, England - Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 14:52:14 (EST)

HI Everyone! I have read alot of these and YES it makes a person yearn to go back there... but alas we can't. I remember alot of the same things as Deb a.k.a. bikerider.... but I was a little older than her I think. Some things I recall are .... Having huge partys for the 4th of july and fireworks weren't banned back then. Making homemade icecream and having my cousins live band play with strobe lights and black lights. Listening to my transistor radio with ear plug all day every day every where I went and always needing a new 9 volt battery for it. I remember cakes with dolls in them for girls birthdays and birthday partys were the whole neighborhood showed up with presents and we played tons of games and never had any conflicts! Learning how ot ride my bike and then to learn how to ride with no hands and no feet and ... whipping out a few times doing so. playing with my liddle kiddles and barbies and all the neighborhood girls played together. I remember going to TG&Y stores to get toy's and they were priced cheap enough that one weeks allowance would buy a toy and candy and a pop. I remember polk a dot shirts and go go boots and loud prints in brite colors such as hot pick lime green and electric orange and they were the coolest things to wear. I remember all the girls made midi and maxi shirts in home ec class and also made those peasant belts to go just under your boobs that laced up. I remember vest with fringe and little draw string purses with fringe too. Shoes with flaps and laces. Walking dolls, baby dolls with cradles, Tin kitchen appliances every little girl had to have, stuffed monkeys that were black and yellow with bells on there elastic suspenders,playing jax and 4 square ball game became 10 square in my neighborhood because everyone wanted to play at once,and there was still a line to wait in for your turn,boy scouts and girl scouts,brownies,(My Mom was a Den Mother and a Girl Scout Leader). Then there was the music of Bobby Sherman, Tommy Rowe, The Cowsills, The Mammas and the Pappas, The Bealtles, Elvis, The Osmond Brothers, The Jackson 5, The Guess Who, and oh so many many more.....Yes times were simpler then and we have been blessed to have lived back then and I have told my stories to my 4 children who think that was a hunderd years ago. I was 10 in 67 and 20 in 77 so this was very special for me to find this site to remember all that FUN stuff I used to do. Brings backs countless memories! Thanks for this site and keep the memories coming guys! Thanks, Sandi
Sandi <>
BrokenArrow, Okla USA - Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 04:58:09 (EST)

I miss the days of Marx Playsets, Hammer Studios monster movies on Saturday afternoons, cartoons that lasted all day (it seemed), riding my bike with the banana seat and sissy bar all over town without a care, planet of the apes t.v. series, all the cop shows, Kolshak the night stalker, Dr. Who on PBS, Marvel & D.C Comics for a quarter, Atari pong, the Banana Splits show, I remember dressing up as Peter Criss from the rock band KISS for the school talent show. A safer and simpler time...
Randy Wells <>
Lancaster, CA USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 at 18:22:37 (EST)

WOW! What memories guys! I have SO many! I was addicted to Donny Osmond..drank grape juice and wore purple socks!lol!I stayed up late at night with my Mom watching 'Midnight Special' with Wolfman Jack. I loved The Archies on Saturday mornings. And The Osmonds Cartoon too! I loved the Brady Bunch..I wanted to live with them!My brother thought our Dad was so cool when he bought an Atari, and we played Pong. We had a Pachinko machine...that was hot. I remember wearing saddleback dittos and wallabies. And don't forget all of the turquiose and mood rings! I carried PeeChee folders...and a Donny Osmond notebook.Life was so simpler then. My brother and I rode our bikes ALL over town without fear of being kidnapped. We could buy Orange Crush Soda in a bottle for a quarter. I LOVED Chicko Sticks...remember those?Our prom song was 'Memories' by Elvis.......I wanna go back to that era. email me if ya
cindy <>
Anaheim, Ca USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 at 12:34:03 (EST)

I remember Karen Valentine on the t/v show Room 222. Sissy Spacek in the t/v movie The Girls of Huntington House, about un-wed pregnant teens. Linda Blair in Born Innocent. Linda Blair in Sarah T, Portrait of a Teenage Alchoholic. The t/v movie Sunshine, about the young mom who died of cancer. We all cried buckets over that one! A book and movie called Lisa, Bright and Dark. Who was that actress...didn't she marry David Cassidy for a short time? Kay Lenz, maybe? A song called Billy- Dont be a Hero. The Night Chicago Died (Paper Lace?) The singing group the Haywoods, weren't they the opening act for the Osmond concerts? Joey Heatherton and her Perfect Sleeper mattress commercials. Laugh Inn, sock it to me, sock it to me.....The Young and the Restless in the 70's which featured Chris, Leslie, Peg and Laurie. Chris married Snapper, who later became the Knightrider with that talking car Kitt. Nancy Sinatra and those walking boots of hers. My first pair of go-go boots! Skinny Dip cologne, makes a girl feel pretty. Lemon Up shampoo with the big yellow plastic lemon for the cap. Musk oil perfume. Tabu perfume. Charlie perfume. Frye boots and gaucho pants. Feathered hair. P.O.W. bracelets. Mood rings. Buying 45 records with my allowance and babysitting $$. Tony Orlando and Dawn and Tie a Yellow Ribbon. Sonny and Cher. Glenn Campbell Goodtime Hour. Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew mysteries. Magazines like Co-Ed and Young Miss, Teen and 16 and Tiger Beat.Loretta Lynn and Mama's Got the Pill. Top models like Jayne Modean from New Jersey and Twiggy and Susan Dey and Jane Cullen. Wearing Gunne Sax dresses to the Prom and dancing to the Eagles, Hall and Oates,Lynnrd Skynnrd, Peter Frampton, ELO, and Fleetwood Mac. Being in Girl Scouts and roller skating every Saturday to the Monkees and Bobby Sherman hits. Posters in my room of Donny O, David Cassidy, the Williams twins, Sajiid Kahn, and the Brady Bunch. Man landing on the moon. The Energy Crisis. Watergate. Vietnam. Nixon. Three Dog Night and the Moody Blues. Brandy, you're a Fine Girl, what a good wife you'd be. Rocky, I've never had a baby before, don't know if I can do it. Mandy by Barry Manilow. Deep Purple and Purple Haze. I saw Foreigner, Boston, Peter Frampton, John Denver, Led Zeppelin in concert. And many others. Duel, that movie where the crazy trucker stalks Dennis Weaver across the country in his big truck. Dorothy Hammil and Olga Korbut and Nadia Comeniche. (sorry, can't spell THAT one!) Liddle Kiddles dolls, Dawn dolls, Barbie, Easy Bake ovens. Tab cola. Space Stix snacks. Hip hugger blue jeans and crochet vests. My purple banana seat Schwinn bike, hoola hoops and metal street skates. Backyard games of Badmiton and croquet and Jarts. Long road trips to the beach with no McDonalds to stop at. Or any fast food. Popcorn made in a skillet, no microwaves! Pizza rolls heated in the oven, no microwaves! Drive-Ins. Charm bracelets. Toe socks. Earth shoes. Harper Valley P.T.A. by Jeannie C. Riley. (the day my Momma socked it to the Harper Valley P.T.A.) Those are some of my memories. Come visit my website at for more memories and please add YOURS to my guestbook! Keep on truckin and everybody have a groovy day!!
Deb <>
USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 02:50:00 (EST)

Hi Robin...I was very happy to stumble onto your excellent site.I could write for hours about the 70's but for now i'll just mention a couple of things.I became a teenager right near the beginning of 1970 and from then on they became "my decade".I remember that the two popular perfumes that the girls wore at the time were Strawberry and Patch. The Patch perfume was mainly worn to cover the smell of pot since it also smelled like a plant, just burning a single stick of Patchecoly incence floods me with memories of them and everything else.I'd love to hear from you or anyone whom wishes to email me, just include 70's in the subject so I know not to junck mail it.Missing my bell bottoms,Bill
William H. <>
Vancouver, B.C. Canada - Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 00:09:20 (EST)

about it at least a couple times a week (I’d say everyday, but that might make me sound like a loser). I remember watching Godzilla and Gamera films on The 4 O’Clock Movie; Space Food sticks (especially the chocolate ones); taping my favorite songs off of a transistor radio (AM, of course); playing the basketball game Around the World all day long; the scariest show on TV - Kolchak the Night Stalker; reading/looking at the pictures of Marvel comics (when they had good writers like Roy Thomas, Steve Englehart, Gerry Conway) and they only cost a quarter (four comics for a buck, man, that was living); Big Time Wrestling; watching reruns of Star Trek with my dad; putting a playing card or baseball card in the spokes of my bike with a clothespin (actually, that caused me to fly over the handlebars and end up in the hospital when the clothespin got stuck in the spoke, so not really a good memory); walking to school (elementary was ½ a mile, junior high was a mile and high school was a mile & a ½); G.I. Joe with cool accessories like the yellow helicopter with the cobra and Buddha; watching reruns like Lost in Space, the Munsters & the Monkees; Mego superhero action figures like Spider-Man, Hulk, Captain America & the Falcon (my mom had to re-string all of them when their elastic broke); staying at school for lunch, on a rainy day, with my Planet of the Apes (TV show) lunch box; starting to realize one of my best friends, Pam, was a girl (but she moved away before we discovered the true differences between us); Topps’ Monster cards; Town Club pop; POW and MIA stickers on my toy box (and of course, I didn’t know what they represented but they were stickers, so they were cool); my breakfast cereal mail-order Freddy the Flute from H.R. Pufinstuf, and my red(?) Lost in Space robot. Still have some of the items (like the last two), long gone are the Mego figures & lunchbox. But what’s even sadder are the memories are getting harder to hold on it. Fortunately, sites like this help. Thanks!
Mark Schultz <>
Warren, MI USA - Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 09:20:55 (EST)

HI , Folks ! Probably the only one here who lives in the other side of the Atlantic Ocean,in Europe,more precisely in France.I really love this site and wanted to share my French 60's 70's with you.Please forgive me for the mistakes I could make in the following sentences.Actually it was not so different from what I've read in your lines but the US are always ahead of France, so !I was 15 in 1971 , and there was only two tv channels , can't you even imagine that!?? The only way to get around the town was our little 49.9CC motorbikes (you must be 18 to get a driving license,still true now)dressed up with our bell bottomed jeans (looks like George Harrison on the Abbey Road sleeve)with our long hair , going to a party where we were bringing our own ep's & lp's from our favourites bands: The Beatles,The Rolling Stones,Aphrodite's Child, Rare Bird,(we were waiting for the slows..)Norman Greenbaum,Cat Stevens and Johnny Rivers with CC Rider and his long B.Side "John Lee Hooker"and all the other bands (the list is too long) ! We really had fun and I still do !I can't stand to hear Rap & house.70's songs make me shivering , you know and I perfectly remember the day I heard "Yellow River" for the first time.Not any burgers restaurants , we didn't even know what McDonald was!No power steering system in the cars either , GEE !BUT , no fear to get out at night , to take a suburban train, the words "please & thanks" weren't obscene...It's all over now but we still have huge music and movies from that time which is great to keep the memories. I think we were really lucky to spend our youth during that time.Many thanks to Robin to bring back those moments. Take care. Lionel
Lionel <>
Paris, FRANCE - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 at 09:48:26 (EST)

Born in 1963, my teen years were mostly in the 70's. I miss that time of my life so badly I cry sometimes! I have too many memories to mention. I think I mostly miss the GREAT music from that time, and still listen to it everyday! Today's "music" totally sucks! LONG LIVE THE 70'S!
Deanne <>
Keokuk, Iowa USA - Friday, November 05, 2004 at 02:14:45 (EST)

Ok, This is driving me nuts. I'm trying to remember a toy car (somewhat of a competitor of the big wheel) you rode around in, and no it's not the Green Machine. Let me see if I can describe it correctly. It had a circular yellow base you sat in, then on either side of you were big red wheels with handles on the indside of each wheel that you had to pedal with. Spin one wheel one way, the other wheel the opposite way and you would spin in a circle. Does anyone remember the name of that toy? Please help me.
Matt Schaldach <>
Sacramento, CA USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 01:16:09 (EDT)

My husband and I love the 70;s got married, had children, raised them during the 70's and it was easy. So happy we do not have he stress and worry of raising a family now. I feel sorry for the younger generation. They don't have the simple and wonderful memories of good music, good food and fun. I am giving my husband a 70's Superfly Party this year. We will all dress in the 70's era. Our kids are looking forward to seeing how it was for us. We talk about that era ALL of the time. Thanks for letting me share this special era with all of you. Lynnda
Lynnda <>
Tx USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 00:42:19 (EDT)

Does anyone remember the candy bar"peanut butter frosty"? i am searching for this candy bar or the maker of this delicious white choclate peanut butter candy bar and it almost resembles a "zero "bar. any ideas to research this 70",80, candy bar please let me know> thank you,p
p <>
seatle, wa USA - Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 21:22:21 (EDT)

Heyyy!! I'm with all you guys who hate the 21st century... I was born in the late 80s so I did not get to experience allthose things you guys did... Im getting jelous just reading your memories!! I was assigned to research the 70s n thats that greatest thing ever to happen... come on the seventies sound so great! Goin to discos like john travolta... experiencing seeing the Godfather! Im italian so ive seen all those mafia movies... but come on i would give anything to live in the seventies.. the clothes, music, and jus life was so much more funner!!!
Andrea M
T.0, Canada - Sunday, October 10, 2004 at 17:01:03 (EDT)

What I miss about the 70's: The New Zoo Review and Henrietta Hippo's always-present handkerchief glued to her hand. :) Sesame Street - Number 9 was my favorite number sequence. NI AAAH AHH AHH AHH IIIIIIIIINNNEEEEEEEE! The Houlihan & Big Chuck Show and The Ghoul t.v. hosts (Shout-out to CLEVELAND, OHIO!!) Scary B-flicks aren't the same without their cool commentaries. I miss "whistling lassos" and the sound they made when you spun them in the air. (whooo AHH-a AHH-a). I miss balsam wood airplanes with the rubberband powered propellers that you could get in the Convenience Mart down the street. (Think 7-Eleven) I miss toy rockets that you filled with water and pumped with air till they shot up in the sky trailing the water spray behind them. I miss Marathon bars - the bars that lasted a LONNNNG LONNNNG time! I miss Vanilly Crunch, Quangeroos and Freakies cereals. (We never miss a meal, oh-no!, cause we love our ceer-ea-eeel). AND THE MUSIC. Real instruments, REAL SINGERS and going to concerts when they still were under $10. Gasoline that was 39 cents a gallon. Big pretzel sticks. Now and Laters candy. (Eat some now, save some for later!). Eating dinner with the whole family - my brothers and BOTH parents) EVERY night and the crazy conversations we would have. Hating having to actually do chores on the regular but always had my hand out for our weekly "allowance" - couldn't wait to buy that latest 45 record! Actually being afraid to smoke a cigarette at 13, thinking that first time I tried it and that one puff was going to give me lung cancer -- and being scared all that week thinking about it. (ha!) I miss catching grasshoppers in the summer and the ultimate prize was finding (or being able to actually catch) a praying mantis. (they were the coolest - we never killed them, they were too special). Kool-aid and the flavors they don't make anymore. (My brothers always mixed weird combinations together - grape and orange made a sickly, murky antifreeze greenish brown that we called swamp water.) Oh, those were the days - as Archie and Edith Bunker sang. That's right - can't forget the shows - watching t.v. together as a family - Good Times, All In The Family, The Sonny and Cher Show, Wonder Woman, Soul Train, American Bandstand, (when you actually looked forward to the guest artists). Disco and Dance Fever!! (Denny Terio and his backup dancers "MOTION"!! GIVE ME BACK MY 70s!!!
muzikmadness1 <>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, October 06, 2004 at 15:23:12 (EDT)

I wish I lived in the 60's and 70's.. New music is BAD and I don't mean cool, i mean awful.. TV just isn't the same, the only thing that's actually good is That 70's Show! and even some things on the show isn't all true (such as things they say -my moma and daddy say) I would give anything to live back in that time period! And I would have LOVED to go to Woodstock '69, Me and my Brother have 3 tapes of this HUGE event! We watch it as many times as we can! -too bad none of this will actually happen :[
You don't know me
Shelby, NC USA - Sunday, October 03, 2004 at 09:31:11 (EDT)

I just read that comment quoting Seasame Street, "..a loaf of bread, a contain-a of milk, and a stick of butter", and I laughed out loud! I remember that! I was age 2-12 in the 70's. I remember there being some really psychedelic annimated sequences on Seasame Street. Does anyone remember the sitar in the song about the number ten? How about the guy who had lost his letter "J"? I remember that I played outside all day and still went back out to play after dinner. It's true that isn't the case anymore..and it's sad. I remember making cookies from a mix called "Big Batch", which my brother and I always referred to as "big bitch"..There were these wax sticks filled with fruit flavored liquid, chocolate cigarettes, hot dog shaped gum(no one remembers this!), wacky packs, hippy babysitters, everyone smoked cigarettes (from my perspective).. yes we made ashtrays out of clay in first grade for christmas presents for our parents (among other things, of course). I had a very eco-concious toy family (the Sunshine Family dolls) that encouraged you to make it's house and furniture out of things you would normally throw away..very cool. And I remember a cereal we had that came in a bag with a rainbow on it that was very hippy-dippy (does anyone else remember this cereal?)Best memory for me of the 70's was how we always listened to the radio in my mom's car. We went to the record store alot. My mom always let me get the next Seasame Street 45 (A-Z, so 13 in all..with great songs about each letter). There wasn't much of a gap between what my older brother and what my parents were listening to..It was a great era that I had to get this many years away from to begin to see it as distinctly it's own a few more years I'll feel that way about the late 80's or early 90's I guess!
chicago, il USA - Friday, October 01, 2004 at 22:55:15 (EDT)

I was not born in the 70's but I am fasinated by them. I was actually born in 1987. So ya I just wnated to tell you that! Nice site. it has alot of great info for someone like me.
LiAr <>
sactown, USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 at 17:35:02 (EDT)