The BUDDA was the best in the 70's.
Doug Hoffman <>
Roseville, Mi USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 13:32:17 (EDT)

Colección de música de los 60's, 70's y 80's.
Martha E. Garza <>
Monterrey, NL Mexico - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 11:59:56 (EDT)

Lets bring back the
rabbi <>
USA - Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 12:26:47 (EDT)

Remember figure salons? I used to go to a place called Gloria Marshalls that had all the machines that would "do the work for you" like those vibrating belt machines and roller massagers that were supposed to pound the flab off you. My favorite was this one that you stood on and these rollers went up and down your tummy and butt real quick. I think it was supposed to squeeze off the inches, but I don't remember it working like that. Anyone else remember these places?
Oxnard, CA USA - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 16:20:19 (EDT)

Great site Robin. Movies like Still Crazy and Almost Famous bring back so many memories for we old farts. I can relate to almost everything everyone has said here. It is a bit depressing seeing kids coming to this site for their social studies projects. It reminds me of when I was a kid and we did projects on WWII. I feel even older now that I've dropped in here! :-)
Robin <>
Adelaide, SA Australia - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 03:42:47 (EDT)

Hi, great 70's site. I grew up in the 70's, watched all those great Saturday morning cartoons and Krofft shows, all those great prime time shows, and listened to all that great 70's music. Times were much slower and simple back then. I really miss those times....
Micah <>
USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 19:07:11 (EDT)

Robin, GREAT site! You are living proof '70's girls are the prettiest! Have that photo of you from the '70's turned into a poster, you'll sell a bunch of them. Hey kids, remember Marathon (candy) bars, Yamaha Moto-bikes and the episode of "What's Happening" where the Doobie Brothers did a show! Ginger, MaryAnn, Marcia (x3) and Melinda Naude from "Operation Petticoat"? I remember who I was with and what I was wearing when I went to see "Star Wars". I play music now for a living and like many have said previously, there has never been any music as great as from the '70's. Boston's first sounds as great now as it did the first time "More Than a Feeling" came across the airwaves...there's never been a cuddle song like "Afternoon Delight"... We had it great, we knew it, we appreciate it now. That's one thing that sets us '70's kids apart. Every time I hear of another school shooting or another kidnapped child, I just want to go home...I grew up in Jonesboro Ark, and I can tell you it was and is a beautiful place... Robin, you are an angel for such a great website and for letting all of us still conect, even in such a remote way as the net. Charlie should have hired you...
Joe Martin
USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 01:28:30 (EDT)

this is a great page because i wanted to see how my mom grew up in the 60's and 70's, since she passed away when i was 6. I wish i have lived in the 60's instead of now!
- Monday, July 08, 2002 at 11:07:09 (EDT)

How did Mork drink liquids?
Mork and Mindy
Hood, CA USA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 01:44:08 (EDT)

Hey!! I am doing a report on the '70's for dance at school, and we have to perform a dance. Can somebody please email me with some music ideas and costume ideas. Thanx
Cristy <>
Fl USA - Monday, May 27, 2002 at 21:08:12 (EDT)

thanks and god bless
obino men
imo state, nig - Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 13:35:09 (EDT)

Please tell me where dippity glass was seen in Western Australia as that is where I am and would love to find it.
Joanne <>
USA - Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 03:50:46 (EDT)

for history i need to do a report on teenagers from the 70's can some one who was a teenager then please email me infomation on teens from the 70's at <> thanx
hilary <>
coral springs, fl USA - Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 19:11:08 (EDT)

Remeber when we all used to use heroin and live on marijuana? Those were the days!!!! Smoke pot, everyday!!!
Homer Simpson <>
Portsmouth, NH USA - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 19:20:40 (EDT)

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the comments on your site and as a new computer user, I hope to log in again to see if my personal music library can be of any use to anyone
Ashley Day <>
Poole, Dorset England - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 18:18:14 (EDT)

Oh the seventies was the best of times to come through. Do you remember "Someone's Knocking on the Door" I felt for my children as they went through high school, because they did not seem to have the fun that I remember always being in the middle of. Memories that have lasted all of my life. What happened to the world and how did it get so complicated? I still listen to the 70's music and remember where I was at times and who I was with, what we was doing, great times I will never forget...
Pattie <>
High Ridge, mo USA - Friday, May 10, 2002 at 01:18:39 (EDT)

Hello I wasn't born in the seventies but in 85 but regardless I really wish I was because I believe that you guys had more fun than we do now. Back then you didn't have to worry what was in the weed and you didn't have to worry about getting STD's and stuff like that. Now all the people my age are stupid and not as free as it was back then. I wish I could have been alive back then I would have had more fun. But since I'm here now I'll make the best of it I really enjoyed the site it was intresting I was looking for some info for a humanities project
ROCK ON 70'S!!!
Rebel Sammi <>
MIdland, MI USA - Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 13:28:04 (EDT)

Heyy! Um...i'm not from the 70's, but I came to this site to find something for my social studies final. (I have to do a report on the 70's) but as i read all these messages it makes me jealous that I wasn't born in the 70's! They sound like such a fun time, unlike nowadays where there is gangs, drugs, shootings, ect. ect. and my mom is from the 70's and she says it was so much fun! so i just think this is a rlly cool site and good job!!
Amanda G. <>
Omaha , NE USA - Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 19:48:51 (EDT)

Oops...I meant "Shake 'N Bake" instead of KFC...sorry!
Sharon <silverspirit@*>
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA - Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 01:31:24 (EDT)

Your site is terrific! Sure brings back lots of memories for me. I was 10 in '76. I remember things being a lot more laid back. I had a favorite pair of purple bell-bottom jeans with coloured embroidery all down the legs that I just CRIED when I grew out of. Halter tops, ponchos, gauchos, walking 18 miles for the "Miles for Millions" walkathon in '76, skipping rope and staying out late all summer, swimming everyday at the new pool (10 cents!), listening to John Denver and singing "Me and Bobby McGee" with my sisters in the car on the way to our grandparents place, long popsicles (banana!), those little mom & pop corner grocery stores (not many of THOSE left!), eating chocolate sundaes from the Dairy Queen ( before Brazier!)in the back of my dad's truck, my orange bicycle with the black vinyl banana seat. All those cool toys (does anyone remember CLACKERS??)LOL, you can still get those at ebay! :) Kerplunk, Double Trouble, Lite Brite, Operation...and my god they had a lot of those weird kits that you'd mix
Sharon <silverspirit@*>
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA - Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 01:06:23 (EDT)

The seventies were the best of times. Does any one remember rolls of toilet paper that were printed to look like money?
Christopher <>
USA - Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 03:00:04 (EDT)

I remember driving in the car with my boyfriend and listening to the top rock station and hearing "Your a Bitch Girl." My boyfriend almost blew a stop light, I was in shock. Hall & Oates made history, first time I ever heard that word on the radio. I thought it was so was evolving.
Bets <>
Chicago, IL USA - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 06:04:47 (EDT)

You know, kids today donot have love songs! Remember the Stylelistic, the Spinners,and I know there were many more groups we used to listion to gazing at pictures of our sweetys,or when we were crying with a broken heart, but maybe some sweeter music will come along soon.
Kim Mills
Greenville, SC Greenville - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 19:51:40 (EDT)

Robin, found your site while searching 70's retro :) Great memories here!! I grew up watching Partridges, Bradys, reading Tiger Beat magazine. Saw a retro reunion of the Brady men the other day and started feeling retro all over again!! Keep up the great work!!
Diane <>
MN USA - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 19:25:42 (EST)

Robin: The 70's. A few days ago, I tried to explain to my 10 year old son what it was like for me growing up. I found myself thinking like so many others it was a great time to be a teenager. No body sang songs about killing police, hurting your wife, and stuffing her in the trunk of your car, (Eminem) and bringing guns to school was unheard of. My first concert was Pablo Cruise, and watching on T.V. shows like Holmes and Yoyo, Sanford and Son, Welcome Back Kotter, Kojak, Baretta, Streets of San Francisco, Charlies Angels, Starsky and Hutch, and me and my friends sneeking into the theater and seeing my first "R" movie, "Black Sunday". And my room with an 8 track that would stop in the middle of a song to change tracks, my Farrah Fawcett poster, a black light, the latest albums from Wings, Kiss, Boston, Journey, Peter Frampton, and so many others. It was a simpler time. I grew up in the Napa Valley, and cruising up and down Jefferson St. was a weekend tradition. If anyone here is from the Bay Area, remember the "Day on the Green" concerts? Today, I am a husband, father, with a mortgage, deadlines, and when I think about a time in my life that my biggest concern was if I would get tickets to the latest concert, I feel for my kids with the problems of today. Thank you Robin, for some great memories........Keep up the good work!
Frank <>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 20:56:14 (EST)